KITKA: Hubava Milka (Live)

Kitka’s Daily Wintersongs Offering for December 6, 2020

HUBAVA MILKA (Beautiful Milka)

Thrace, Bulgaria, arr. Nikolaj Kaufman
From the Bulgarian State Television Female Vocal Choir, via Tatiana Sarbinska

Performed by Kitka Women’s Vocal Ensemble

L-R: Corinne Sykes, Erin Lashnits Herman, Caitlin Tabancay Austin, Kelly Atkins, Janet Kutulas, Natalie Bartlett, Barbara Byers, Shira Cion, and Michele Simon

Recorded on the album WINTERSONGS (Diaphonica Productions), available from and

Hubava Milka
A Koleda (winter holiday) carol for the young woman of the house.

“Milka’s mother boasted about Milka: Hey Koleda, my Koleda!

‘She is so industrious, and very stylish too!’ Milka’s fame spread all the way to Istanbul, to the marketplace, and to Marko, the merchant. Marko loaded his boat with silk, silver, and gold thread. Young and old came to see his wares—last of all came beautiful Milka. When Milka stepped aboard to buy silk, Marko closed the hatch and carried her off.”

Recorded in December, 2015 at Old First Concerts, San Francisco

Audio recording by Christopher Burt

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