KITKA: Ščo v Pana Khazjaina (Live)

Kitka’s Daily Wintersongs Offering for December 30, 2020

A New Year’s Eve Carol from Ukraine

ŠČO V PANA KHAZJAINA (At the Home of the Master of the House) Pekariv, Černivs’ka region, Ukraine, from the repertoire of Božyči Ensemble

A carol sung on the feast of Malanka, Ukrainian New Year’s Eve. 

The birch tree in Slavic folklore is a symbol of a pure, unmarried woman. The goldsmith represents a destiny-making god. In ancient tradition, the smith required a piece of someone’s body (a lock of hair, a drop of blood) to incorporate into his work to forge a positive future for his customer. In this song, the bark symbolizes this ritual sacrifice.

“At the home of the master of the house, in his courtyard, 
Ref: Oh generous New Year’s Eve!
In the midst of his grapevines stood a birch, slender and tall, with a broad canopy of leaves. 
On the way to the birch tree was a beaten path. 
Who wore this path down? 
The girl Halochka walked this path as she went to fetch water. Reaching for the tree, she peeled off its bark, put it on a plate, and carried it to the goldsmith.”

Performed by Kitka Women’s Vocal Ensemble

Kelly Atkins, Kristine Barrett, Shira Cion, Erin Lashnits Herman, Janet Kutulas, Hannah Levy, Maclovia Quintana, Katya Schoenberg, Lily Storm

Recorded live by John Nilsen

Recorded on the album EVENING STAR (Diaphonica)

Available from or

Your year-end gift will help support Kitka’s artists and sustain our organization as we weather the current storm. If the music moves you, please donate today at

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Kitka relies on the generous support of our Village to provide inspiring programs that cultivate global community and cross-cultural understanding through song. 

Kitka is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Donors who are able to contribute or pledge $100 or more are entitled to a Kitka CD of their choice as a token of our gratitude. (Please indicate your album choice in your donor comments field.)