KITKA: Edna Večer Večerjahme (Live)

Kitka’s Daily Wintersongs Offering for December 24, 2020
A Playful Bulgarian Countdown Song for Christmas Eve


Dobrudža region, Bulgaria, arranged by Philip Koutev, from the repertoire of the Philip Koutev Ensemble and Village Harmony

“One evening we dined and we ate up one partridge bird, 
Refrain: ...on the green mountain, where granny cooked it, 
but didn’t eat it, didn’t see it.

Two evenings we dined and we ate up two gray doves…
Three evenings we dined and we ate up three speckled hens… 
Four evenings we dined and we ate up five turkeys… 
Five evenings we dined and we ate up five feathery ducks… 
Six evenings we dined and we ate up six splotch-faced rams… 
Seven evenings we dined and we ate up seven cows who’s milk had dried up… 
Eight evenings we dined and we ate up eight buffalo with white spots on their foreheads… 
Nine evenings we dined and we ate up nine horned oxen…”

Performed by

Kitka Women’s Vocal Ensemble

Kelly Atkins, Shira Cion, Erin Lashnits Herman, Janet Kutulas, Hannah Levy, Maclovia Quintana, Katya Schoenberg, and Lily Storm

Audio and video recording by Christopher Burt
Audio mixing & mastering by eO (Eric Oberthaler)
Recorded live at Old First Concerts, San Francisco, in December 2019

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Kitka relies on the generous support of our Village to provide inspiring programs that cultivate global community and cross-cultural understanding through song. 

Kitka is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Donors who are able to contribute or pledge $100 or more are entitled to a Kitka CD of their choice as a token of our gratitude. (Please indicate your album choice in your donor comments field.)