KITKA: Loomine (Live)

Kitka’s Daily Wintersongs Offering for December 21, 2020
For the Winter Solstice: A Runic Folk Hymn from Estonia


Estonia, adapted from the arrangement of Margo Kõlar of Heinavanker by Kristine Barrett

A Runic folk hymn describing the creation of the world. Much like the spinning of fibers to create a thread, the lyrics and structure of this song work to spin the world into existence.

“A beautiful bluebird flew into our meadow, and made a nest in a paddock. There were three bushes in the meadow: one was a blue bush, one was a red bush, the third was a golden bush. She did not care about the blue bush nor the red bush, but she was pleased with the golden bush. The bird started to build a nest: she worked on it for a month, for a second month, for a third month, for a week in the fourth month, for a bit more in the fifth month. She started to lay eggs: she laid for a month, for second month, for a third month, for a week in the fourth month, and a bit more in the fifth month. One chick became the moon for Kurland, the second became the sun for Pärnu County,  the third became the world, the fourth became the stars, and the fifth became the rainbow.”

Performed by Kitka Women’s Vocal Ensemble

Kristine Barrett and Lily Storm, lead vocals

Kelly Atkins, Shira Cion, Erin Lashnits Herman, Janet Kutulas, Hannah Levy, Maclovia Quintana, Katya Schoenberg

Recorded in December, 2018 at Old First Concerts, San Francisco

Mastered by eO (Eric Oberthaler)

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